Since 2017 I have been interested in Villa Hadriana in Tivoli (the former Tibur) in Italy. More than a villa this site is a city, built by and for the Roman emperor Hadrian between 110 and 138 AD. With an area of more than 200 hectares where there are dozens of huge buildings referring to the Greeks and Egyptians, favorites of the emperor, Hadrian's Villa is a reflection of his travels and a tribute to his lover Antinous.

One of the most interesting parts of the villa is known as the Canopus. It is a replica of a shrine near Alexandria. There is a huge swimming pool surrounded by columns decorated with statues of cariatids. Among the libraries, baths, guest rooms, gardens, fountains and ponds, stands out the Maritim Theatre, composed of a circular pond surrounded by columns with an island in the center; there is a small Roman villa on the island.

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